How to Shift Company Culture at a Newly Acquired Business

Edmund Lazarus
1 min readAug 31, 2021


Buying and merging with a company is one of the top ways to grow your business, but it’s also very tricky. One of the most significant issues with merging is consolidating the company culture between the two teams. Even if leadership is happy with the merger, the team might not be, and overlooking the required shift in company culture could be disastrous. Here are some tips on how to shift company culture at a newly acquired business.

Unify them under one name

This is a simple one: generally, when two companies merge to form a combined entity, it’s better to implement a single name. Often, the larger one keeps the name, but if the smaller company has more growth potential or a stronger reputation, that might be the better choice. Or they can combine the two under a new name. No matter what course you choose, having one name and one purpose will normally help unify the teams.

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Edmund Lazarus

Edmund Lazarus, Managing Partner at EMK Capital, an expert in private equity. To learn more, visit